Tuesday, May 29, 2007

home again, home again...

Had a lovely visit home.

On the way I spent an hour in Fort Wayne trying to find the book my mother said my sister had asked for, for her birthday. Also finding wrapping paper for her present and my mom's mother's day gift.

I got home and discovered that my sister already owned the book. She swore she never told my mother she wanted it...but I'm not sure how my mom would have come up with the author and title otherwise.

So that was kind of a (read: gargatuan) letdown.

Other than that the visit was lovely.

My youngest sister, Bethy, finally got her easy bake oven (Bethy is 18). My mom picked it up at the rumage sale because Bethy's never quite gotten over the fact that 12 years ago my mom wouldn't let her buy one at a garage sale. She brings it up as often as possible.

My little brother is trying to get a job...presumably so he can impress a girl...but so far no one's hiring 14 year olds.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Art & Science...together at last

There's a bit in the New York Times about the Creation Museum that's opening in KY.
To summarize the writer (this in the "arts" sections - because it's a museum?) thinks the displays look fabulous but makes no attempt to hide his dismay at people believing in science and the Bible.

One of my favorite lines is, "Evolution gets its continual comeuppance, while biblical revelations are treated as gospel." Silly people, why would anyone treat the bible like the gospel?

What bothers me is that the article, while obviously praising modern science, fails to recognize where it comes from. Here science is treated as the invention of secular humanists, but Ptolemy (who is here compared with creationists) was a Hellenist, and Copernicus the Christian. A good many famous scientists were Christians. They believed that God created things with an order and that therefore we could discover that order and learn how things work.
If they had believed we came about randomly perhaps they would not have bothered (because why should randomness have an order?).

"But given the museum’s unwavering insistence on belief in the literal truth of biblical accounts, it is strange that so much energy is put into demonstrating their scientific coherence with discussions of erosion or interstellar space."

I'm not sure I understand why Mr. Rothstein finds it strange, but I'm forced to assume that he is one of the many who believe that people have faith, not because something has shown itself to be trustworthy (over used ex. - you have faith the chair will hold you, because it always has) but because they dislike rational conversation (I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!)

If you're in doubt, yes, I believe in creationism. And it bugs the snot out of me that people think that this means I can't honestly love science, which I do.

And, I think that if a person is writing for the art section of the Times, they have every right to editorialize, but they should probably stick to the displays - which are a-mazing (thank-you Patrick Marsh!).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

At work this week my co-workers were talking about this guy who killed himself. Apparently he's part of a christian comedy duo...I'd never heard of them before, but they're popular with some people. You know, the Gaither listening type.

Anyway, the question is always "why?" Sometimes it's obvious. The person loses their job or their spouse or child dies and they don't think life is still worth living. But I thought my co-worker's reaction was kinda odd because they kept on talking about how the duo's schedule was already booked. Yes...and? Somehow I can't imagine that he was going to come up on a convenient time to kill himself.

Then they were wondering about why he wasn't on medication. I've known alot of depressed people...I've never known anyone that medication actually helped. I know there are those people out there...I just don't think it's that simple. Besides, in most cases people kill themselves over real events, not a chemical imbalance in the brain. My friends little brother killed himself after their father was convicted on child molestation charges, I don't think medication was going to help him.

I don't know anything about the guy who killed himself, but I find myself empathizing with his family and friends. They most wonder why it had to be this way. If they could have done something different. How far back they would have to rewind to start a path that didn't lead here.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Take a stand!

Apparently people are supposed to get about 25 grams of fiber in their diet every day. Up until a month ago I was probably getting about five. So I decided to be slightly more conscientious about what I ate. Whole grain bread and crackers., more fruit, that sort of thing. But it's a slippery slope my friends. Seemingly innocuous, the path of higher fiber content has led us here: high fiber yogurt.
"How could this happen?" the people cry, "All we wanted was a well balanced diet! Who could know this would go so wrong?" A balanced diet indeed, the next thing you know they'll want fiber in chocolate, or jello (actually, if you look in to church history there have already been a sinister sprinkling of fiber militants who commited this very outrage under our noses, some in positions of church leadership! The celery jello mold has been slipped into many an innocent potluck, luring in mature parishioners and children alike!).
Now is the time to stand! End this unnatural and immoral use of fiber and save your soul!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Use your imagination

From the New York Post

"May 8, 2007 -- Lisa King Fithian is a walking billboard against shoplifting as she parades in front of a Wal-Mart in Attalla, Ala. - her penalty for stealing. A judge ordered her and another shoplifter to stand outside the store wearing the sign for four hours for two successive Saturdays to avoid serving 60 days in jail."
Presumably the shoplifters had a choice in this matter, but I can't help wondering if public humiliation is more effective than jail time.
Of course, it wouldn't work if they'd stolen from a smaller business or from a charitable organization, they'd probably get stuff thrown at them.
And if it were something like drug dealing, they'd probably just get more business.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Funny Pages

When I was in highschool I wanted to have my own comic strip...obviously that's not something I'm pursuing right now, but it's fun to mess around with sometimes. I know you can't really read it here, so click on the pictue and it'll take you to my flickr account. Once on flickr click on the picture again and above it click on "all sizes" next to the magnifine glass to see it full size.

template by suckmylolly.com flower brushes by gvalkyrie.deviantart.com