Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Avril's Atonement (or not)

I listened to Avril's latest cd in the car this morning and laughed the entire way to work.
I don't exactly know why, her songs are either bitter or sappy, but they all made me laugh. Part of the reason could be that I am completely wired, but I don't think I'd be able to make it through today if I wasn't. The other part of the reason is probably that Avril reminds me of my little sister with the long blonde hair, tons of eyeliner, and the "Yes I am the best thing in the world" attitude.

It took a while to happen, but I am now excited to go to my friend's wedding...or maybe just to get my nice pillow back from my parents, who knows...but that means that my productivity is going to be pretty much nil.
Fortunately, I have a fun, full color project that is interesting enough to hold my attention for at least ten minutes at a time. If I had to work on more black and white ads today I would probably spend the entire time shopping.
I just discovered, which has a lot of cute stuff. Expensive stuff, but cute. If I ever actually start producing t-shirts or stationary...that could defiantely be something to look into. The site is free, they charge 20 cents to per product posted and something like 3.15% of whatever you make. When you consider the value of being hooked up to a highly favored shopping site (where people pay exorbitant amounts for everything) that's not bad. at all.


Jonathan Erdman said...

[Me screaming] Hey, hey, you, you! I don't like your girlfriend!!!

Melody said...

I'm pretty sure you should leave the sing-screaming to Avril.

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