Saturday, March 15, 2008

My name is Melody & I'm a shopoholic

They say that excessive spending is one of the signs of bipolar disorder...but it makes me really happy.

I had to go shopping though. Because I have presents to buy for three people. Plus, I need nice clothes so that when I visit my friend at her conservative church (guys & girls sit on seperate sides) I look appropriate (plus I just need clothes).

I only managed to get a present for my dad (thank-you, South Bend Chocolate Company). Holly is harder to shop for and I haven't seen my friend in...years. I'm at a loss for what to buy her.

For myself I got half an easter outfit, another shirt a bag, eight classical music cds (it was a set!), a haircut, and some hair product to go with it.

The part of me that loves new things is v-ery happy. The part of me that remembers how much money I have in my bank account is screaming, "Melody! What do you think you're doing?"

But I neeeeded those things.


Emily said...

Everything seems to have two sides. Even buying new things...

I really like your new hair. I know I'm overdue for a cut as well.

Melody said...

Yes. Well when it comes to money I always have two voices in my head. One is my father's, telling me to be careful with my money and to make sure I save some. The other is my mother's, telling me it's ok to splurge every once in a while.

Between them both I manage to stay solvant.

Thanks about the hair! I'm liking it too - the long hair was just getting too unmanagable and I was glad that my stylist suggested doing something different than my usual.

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